Welcome to the
Ambassador Operations Hub
Team Information
Team Lead: Vincent Hu
Work phone: (415) 652-7822
Acting Team Lead: Lalelei Tuao
Work phone: (415) 635-6467
Team Lead: Halona St. John
Work phone: (415) 531-7357
Team Lead: Lidia Sandoval
Work phone: (415) 531-7201
Team Lead: Christopher Gotera
Work phone: (415) 635-6237
Program Resources
Immigrant Services and Resources helps immigrants, asylees, refugees and service providers connect to resources, opportunities, and more.
See below for a map of the clinics.
Needlestick Hotline: (415) 469-4411
This section contains presentation slides from previous training sessions and team meetings.
Important Reminders
Heat Illness Prevention
Heat Illness Guide: Heat illness prevention procedures should be implemented for crews working outdoors on very hot days. Heat illness includes heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Read this guide to learn more about each type of illness and proper treatment.
Heat Illness Prevention: Recognizing risk factors and symptoms, then taking the appropriate action is key for preventing more severe illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Read this handout to learn more about recognizing hazards, risk factors, health effects, emergency response, prevention, and acclimatization.
COVID-19 Safety
COVID-19 Update - February 2024
Most COVID-19 infections are caused by people with no symptoms. Break rooms are one of the highest risk places in the workplace because people remove their masks. If possible, enjoy your break outdoors. The following tips apply even if you’ve received the vaccine:
Keep your mask on indoors (except when eating or drinking)
Clean and disinfect the area, and wash your hands before and after your meal
If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please fill out the Contact Tracing Form.